Works on the two marina breakwaters are underway!

Stretching for two-kilometres, each breakwater is up to 18.5 metres high from the ocean floor and will include 650,000 tonnes of limestone and 300,000 tonnes of granite, being delivered to site..

Construction of the new breakwaters and removal of the old breakwaters is expected to be completed early 2023..

Two local WA businesses – WA Limestone and Italia Stone Group are undertaking the works.

All  required approvals have been received from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Western Australian Planning Commission.

See the project flyer for an outline of the works timeline or check out the Landscape Concept Plan for more details on the design of the public spaces.

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Coastal Path Temporary Detour

During initial construction works, a temporary detour of the path will be undertaken to maintain a safe separation between  works traffic and pedestrians/cyclists.

This temporary detour is expected to be in place until the newly constructed path within the development is created. 

Approaching the site from the South, the temporary route will take pedestrians east along Boat Harbour Quays crossing at Ocean Reef Road. A new  pedestrian path will head north taking the community past Resolute Way before heading west,  to re-join the existing coastal path near the end of Gloriana View.

Author: Bosso

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